Here we all are seated alongside the swimming pool at Bettyhill. Robert Roper has just come out in his whites with Brother Winkle following behind him. It is about 85 degrees and 100% humidity in there, but we are all happy. It is a great day!
Here we are at Robert Roper's baptism. My blouse decided to do the poky outy thing and make me look 200 lbs, so it is not a great shot, but in the rush, the only one we got. Oh well.
My primary class and I. They are aged 8 to 11 years and everyone of them is very clever (smart).
This is Nicky Alderson. He is the fellow we have been teaching to read. He is a sweet, gentle giant.
Bob Tolworthy started off the program at our farewell party by reciting very humerous poetry about animals. Bob is presently in the Branch presidency and is Clerk. He served as President before Bob came. He is English.
Graham Winkle performing a song he wrote about missionaries for us. He gave us a copy of the words. Graham not only has cut a CD, but is also a published author of children's books. He is the Branch Mission Leader.
Gabby and Zach Winkle performing for us at the farewell party.
Tabitha Loughlin singing for us at the farewell party.
Ernie Budge piping in the haggis being carried by Conner Loughlin.
John Loughlin giving the tribute to Robbie Burns. It is traditional for all the men to come dressed in their Highland finest.
The famous Highland meal of Haggis, Neeps and Tatties. (Haggis is made from sheep innerds and oats and seasonings, Neeps are orange turnips and tatties are potatoes.)
The Branch members holding hands and singing Ald Lang Signe at the end of the Burn's supper. Burns wrote the words to this familiar song.
Friday, January 1, 2010
A scene out of the train window on the way to Edinburgh on Dec. 23rd. I am afraid I didn't do to well this time getting the blog pictures of the Christmas season in chronological order. They should go preChristmas, trip down to Edinburgh, Christmas Eve, Christmas day and Boxing Day. I think you will be able to figure it out. Sorry
Jared Thatcher and his wife Anna had us over for brunch on Boxing Day. He just finished his MBA at the University of Edinburgh. Our Oregon friends and family will remember Jared. He is the same age as our Amy and we knew their family well in Canby.
I helped the Thatcher boys build a snowman on Boxing Day, (the day after Christmas). I miss my Grandies. (love name for Grandchildren).
On Christmas Eve at the big party, we stole Jared and Anna Thatcher and their two boys John (the youngest) and Andrew away for a photo.
We wore her out! The day after Christmas, we were playing games and Sister Griffiths just couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. Bless her.
Sister Griffiths and the Sister Missionaries fixing breakfast. The kitchen in the mission home is large and very well equipted.
Sister Maddy and Sister Rogers, opening presents. Sister Griffiths had to hide Sister Maddy's gifts because she kept opening them early. She has been ill and is presently staying in the mission home. Terrific young women!
Elder Bonn and Elder Petersen, Assistants to the President, showing us the paintings a Sister in the ward had painted for them. Great young men!
President and Sister Griffiths on Chrismas morning.
Merry Christmas to all!
The Christmas tree at the mission home and our two stockings waiting on Christmas morning for us to open them.
Andy Skene, a new member as Father Christmas and Martin Embury, as Santa's helper, preparing to give gifts out to the children at our Christmas party
A house nestled deep in the woods, taken from the train window as we crossed the mountain passes.
A winter scene while going across the Highlands on Dec. 23rd.