On our prep. day we went to the docks to see the ships that make their permenent home here in Dundee. This one named the Unicorn is the only surviving wooden battle ship left in the world. The mast and rigging have been removed . She had 46 guns each weighing over two tons. Built in 1823. She is 50 feet across at midship. There are four decks. Though she was part of many campaigns she never had to fire a shot in battle. Note the unicorn just forward and below the lowered mast.
1 comment:
Hey! I just read your email for the week and came to check out the pictures. Scotland really is beautiful. I'm glad you are enjoying your selves on p day. Your sucsess is really encouraging.
Well its getting warmer in heber. The weather is still pretty fickle though. I'm getting ready for girls camp in two weeks. We get to go to the heber valley camp. I'm excited.
I got a job at the claim jumper. It pays pretty well and it feels good to be more self relient. I think you got a bad first impression of the place. I found out we have three cooks and one of the cooks tends to not be that good. In fact I was told not to eat there when that particular cook was on. hahaha.
Well everyone is doing good up here. Baby neil is very cute. Isabella's personality is really coming out as she becomes more and more independent.
Well I have rambled long enough. Lots of love,
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