The following few pictures are of our beach party we held on the 4th of July. This one shows Barbara Haywood and Kenny Miles at the table and Bob in the background. Robert Roper is in white wearing the glasses. He is not yet a member but fully supports his wife as R.S. Pres. We really like him and hope to get to teach him before we leave. So far he says, "Not yet."
1 comment:
HI sorry it has been awhile since we left a message. It is great to see your success in the mission field. We miss the our good frinds overseas but are enjoying the grandchildren. Chirs is due in another 7weeks and Alisha is due in November, that will bring the total to 12 grandaugthers. We start the 1st of themonth working at the Jordan River Temple 2 nigths a week. I have given up on find work and decided to just give service. We have had a short trip back to SC with gran and I went up to Alaska to visit Mike and Lucy for a week. We are kept busy tending grandchildren and trying to keep Chrissy down. Love to you both and keep up the good work.
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